Art and Culture at the Top of Denmark
Sense the presence of history in a league of its own.

The first tourists arrived at the Top of Denmark 4000 years ago – and they still live here! You can experience the deep roots of culture at the museums, in the churches, the monasteries and the manors. Scattered around in the landscape you will find old passage graves, ramparts, historic buildings etc.

Those interested in art will definitely enjoy studying the history of Danish art which covers artists such as the impressionist Skagen painters and J. F. Willumsen, the expressionist painter, whose unique collection of sketches and paintings are exhibited at the Odden Manor between Hj�rring and Hirtshals. Another famous painter is Svend Engelund, whose fine works are to be seen at the Art Building in Vr�. At Hj�rring Art Gallery you can enjoy more recent Danish art.

Many artists and craftsmen have moved to the Top of Denmark inspired by the nature, the people and the very special light of the area. Most of these artists and craftsmen open their workshops to the public in order to share the joy of their work with other people.

Folk music has deep roots in Vendsyssel and some of Denmark’s most popular singers and members of well-known groups grew up in this part of the country. Every year hundreds of accordion players meet in the towns, Bindslev and Sindal, and during the summer months it is a tradition to hold outdoor concerts in Vendsyssel.